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  • Councillors met residents of inaccessible Sigcumeni area

Mbabane Mayor, two Councillors and Council management met Sigcumeni residents on Sunday. 

The sit-down with the residents was meant to address challenges that are faced by the community that, in residents own words, is ‘forgotten part of Mbabane’. The area is located between Fonteyn and Msunduza mountain and is generally accessible with only a 4 wheel drive vehicle.

Community members took the opportunity to register their concerns with Mbabane Mayor and demanded answers as to why and how has Sigcumeni remained the least developed community in Mbabane.

The residents also accused Council of delaying the construction of a soup kitchen in the area after a certain donor promised them. The community members also told present Councillors and management that they felt deserted after being moved from Ward 10 (Fonteyn) to Ward 11 (Msunduza) when ward boundaries were reviewed in 2022. The residents argued that it made sense to them to be placed under ward 10 (Fonteyn) because it’s a community that they relate to in terms of accessing services.

In response to the concerns, Council management stated that that road engineers will pay a visit to the community to have a closer look at the accessibility challenges facing the community. The residents were also informed that Councillors and management will go back to the drawing board to find a way forward that will benefit the residents of Sigcumeni.

Finally, residents proved amenable to the election of Local Community Committee that will form the leadership structure. Council management informed residents that dates will be announced for the election.

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Community Liason Officer Simanga Masilela clarifies a point while making reference to the map on the ground that shows the reviewed ward boundaries.

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Sigcumeni residents listening to Council management during the meeting.

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Residents blamed Council for the poor road and the delayed construction of the soup kitchen.

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Mayor Vusi Tembe flanked by Ward 10 Councillor Percy Rocher (L) and Ward 3 Councillor Sandile Ndzingane.

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Maintenance Engineer Mncedisi Mazibuko assuring residents that Council will look into road access challenges.

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Chief Planning Officer Wandile Tfwala explains the process that led to Sigcumenni being allocated under ward 11.

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Part of the residents that attended the meeting.

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Linyeva: Only 4 wheel drive vehicles can use the road that leads to Sigcumeni area.


Fonteyn residents submitted to the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) during a meeting that was held at the Fonteyn social centre.

The submissions covered local economic development matters as the community said the youth of the area does not have employment opportunities. Due to the hilly and rocky nature of Fonteyn, there were a number of submissions that requested Council to develop strategies that will address storm water challenges that are a growing concern among property owners at Fonteyn. Some property owners gave accounts of how they have been affected by flash flooding and called upon Council’s engineers to address some of the alleged road design flaws.

Residents wanted to know when would the Ward Councillor and Council management return to Fonteyn so that they can know which of their submissions were considered when they would be implemented, Council management assured residents that dates will be announced early next year for meetings when feedback will be provided.

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Fonteyn residents making their submissions to the IDP.

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