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By Ntokozo Magongo

MBABANE – Mbabane Highlanders Director Chief Ally Kgomongwe declared that he was open to sponsors that wanted to partner with the club.

The Director said if a sponsor came with a sound and lucrative offer, then his hands were open. He said consultations and verification would be done before a sponsor is considered. Mbabane Highlanders are currently without a sponsor.

Kgomongwe met with the National Supporters Committee (NSC) in Pretoria, South Africa last week, ahead of the derby against rivals Mbabane Swallows on Sunday. Highlanders lost the derby 3-2 at Somhlolo National Stadium.

Kgomongwe acknowledged that the team did not do well this season and called for double effort from everyone to put it in the right shape for next season.  He also promised to be close to the team next season as the national elections in South Africa would be over by then.

He appealed for calm and support from all Highlanders people.  He declared that he would not allow Highlanders to die in his hands.  He said he was committed to his continued financial and social support for the team.

The NSC said the purpose of the meeting was to clarify some of the issues which were making rounds in the social media.  This was also meant to give the Director an opportunity to make known his side and vision about the club.

“First and foremost, we would like to pass our sincere appreciation to our director for accepting the request for an audience with him. During the meeting, the NSC raised some issues which included the following: issue of Admiral sponsorship, people purportedly trying to push the director out and allegations of NSC members colluding with people rebelling against the director. After having clarified the above issues sanity then prevailed,” reads the statement released by NSC Chairman Mfanizile Dlamini and the team Public Relations Officer (PRO) Kenneth Dlamini.