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MBABANE– Minister of Labour and Social Security Phila Buthelezi is doing the Lord’s work for the country’s government in Switzerland.

Buthelezi among the litany of things he did this week, held a private meeting with the Director General of the International Labour Organization, Gilbert Houngbo.

This has been on the margins of the ongoing ILO Governing Body meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

Among other things, the Minister expressed Government’s appreciation to ILO for the continued technical and financial support in the implementation of the country’s Decent Work Country Programme ‪2022-2025‬.

particularly in supporting programmes like the ongoing legislative reforms, establishment of an Unemployment Benefit Fund and conducting an imperial study to ascertain the feasibility of introducing a national minimum wage, amongst others.

The Minister also expressed appreciation for the appointment of Philile Masuku to be the ILO Country Director for the Zimbabwe-based ILO Office, which covers Zimbabwe and Namibia.

Philile Masuku was previously a Counsellor based in the Embassy of Eswatini in Geneva, Switzerland.

Minister Buthelezi left the country on March 15 for the 347th session of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Since then, he and the rest of the delegates have embarked on meetings, and seminars that seek to help the country.