Ministry of Agriculture Eswatini


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MBABANE – Eswatini farmers can continue to count on Government to subsidise some of their farming inputs in the year 2022 as well. This comes after Minister of Agriculture Jabulani Mabuza officially announced that Government will continue to support farmers by during the 2022 ploughing season.

Government will contribute 65% while farmers will have to contribute the remaining 35%.

Making the announcement, Minister Mabuza said, “The Ministry through the National Maize Corporation (NMC) shall be responsible for the programme. Payments for the input subsidy starts on 1 August 2022. As a result of the high input costs, those who wish to be part of the programme are expected to pay as soon as possible.

The Minister revealed that this is because the closing of payments shall be done when the target has been reached or at the end of October 2022, whichever comes first. The payments will be done through Eswatini Bank and EPTC.

Minister Mabuza also revealed that the average projected cost for the packages is approximately E14 000 for maize, E12 000 for beans and E7 000 for sorghum. “The farmer is expected to contribute 35% and Government will contribute the balance of 65%. Farmers can pay up to 3ha maximum compared to the 1ha maximum that was used in the past years. As a result of the fuel price increase, the tractor hour will cost E300 from E270.”

The announcement comes at a time when farmers are preparing their plans for the ploughing season in the spring and the summer.