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MBABANE – Do not get robbed of your hard earned resources.

This was the message shared by Minister of Agricuture Jabulani Mabuza during a press statement today. The minister gave the warning in response to a particular scam which is circulating through social media.

“This scam is purported to rob emaSwati of their hard earned resources. It deceives emaSwati to think that the ministry in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is giving out grants to smallholder farmers. This could not be further from the truth, the Ministry is not offering such grants,” said the minister.

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The scammers are using the fact that the ministry has a farming inputs subsidy programme to deceive the public into believing that the ministry is giving out grants to farmers. The scam eventually requests for personal details like banking information, which are then used to steal from the person.

“The ministry would therefore alerts the public of this scam and emphasise that all activities of the Ministry are carried out through proper channels. We wish all emaSwati a good ploughing season,” said the minister.

This warning serendipitously comes during the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, where the Eswatini Communications Commission has invested a lot of resources in teaching emaSwati how to avoid such risks that come with using the internet.