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MBABANE – Minister of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Savannah Maziya appointed a new board of directors of the Eswatini Television Authority (ESTVA) on Monday.

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The board will hold office for three years and it will be chaired by Amos Ngwenya. The rest of the board members include Senani Khumalo, Mxolisi Fakudze, Cebsile Nxumalo, Polycarp Dlamini, Thokozani Nxumalo, Gcina Sukati, Mduduzi Nxumalo, and the current Eswatini TV CEO, Mlamuli Dlamni.

It is worth mentioning that the chairman, Senani Khumalo, and Gcina Sukati are new members of the board, while the rest were from the previous board.

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In her speech, the Minister of ICT said she was confident the new board will be able to work well with the ESTVA team and improve programming. She said, “We ask that the new board have integrity, honesty, reliability, and make sure they look after the money that belongs to the institution. To ensure that programming is both educational and enjoyable for EmaSwati. We look forward to a board that wants to grow the station and make it a global player as far as programming is concerned.”

She went to plead with EmaSwati to partner with the TV station on ideas for effective and enjoyable programming. Maziya said they would also like to work with different producers to see what can be done to stimulate the producer environment.