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LOBAMBA – Two Ministers have today been praised by Members of Parliament (MPs) for having made their presence felt, since their appointment into their respective Ministries.

The Ministers in question are Mduduzi Matsebula (Health) and Sikhumbuzo Dlamini (Tinkhundla Administration and Development). Matsebula, who is also an MP for Nkwene Constituency, was praised during the 2023/24 annual performance debate for his Ministry in the House of Assembly.

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Minister for Tinkhundla Administration and Development Sikhumbuzo Dlamini with PS Nonhlanhla Dlamini and Deputy Speaker Madala Mhlanga.

Dlamini was also praised during the 2023/24 annual performance debate of his Ministry, which had taken place earlier in the same chamber. Matsebula was praised by MPs such as Deputy Speaker Madala Mhlanga.

Mhlanga said ever since Matsebula took over, he showed that he wanted improvement within the Ministry. He said there were no drugs at all in health facilities when he took over.

However, the situation had improved, as some panados, for instance, were found in clinics. LaMgabhi MP Sicelo Jele also praised the MP, saying the Minister showed that he wanted to work.

Lugongolweni MP Joseph Souza praised Matsebula, saying it was good that his Ministry wanted to build some health facilities in some constituencies. He also praised the Minister for ensuring that Good Shepherd Hospital got its subvention. He said Good Shepherd was the last hope for the people of the Lubombo Region.

Sigwe MP David ‘Cruiser’ Ngcamphalala praised the Ministry’s efforts to build a clinic at Ndunayithini under his constituency. However, the Minister mentioned that there was still a lot to be done under the Ministry, as there were areas that had no clinics.

Minister Dlamini was praised for planning on working on re-constructing constituency centres that were burnt during the political unrest in 2021. LaMgabhi MP Sicelo Jele, Sithobela MP Mancoba Sihlongonyane and Motshane MP Wilton Nkambule are among the MPs that praised the Tinkhundla Minister.

They praised the Minister for giving himself time to go to constituencies across the country. What impressed the MPs about this Minister was that he also talked about the challenges he encountered while visiting these constituencies. It must be stated though that as much as the Minister’s were praised, the problems engulfing their Ministries were flagged. The MPs talked about lack of materials such as ambulances in health centres and the slow pace on which the constituency centres were re-constructed.