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MBABANE – The Ministry of Agriculture under Minister Jabulani ‘Buy Cash’ Mabuza has asked to have their E1 ‪630 825 57800‬ budget approved.

When motivating the approval in their yearly financial performance report the Ministry highlighted its areas of responsibility and achievements.

It was mentioned that the country realised an increase of 27 per cent in maize production in the 2022 harvest.

The annual assessment revealed that ‪127 315‬ Metric Tons were achieved during the season while ‪100 042‬ Metric Tons were harvested in the previous one.

This brought them closer to the National requirement of ‪140 000‬ Metric Tons.

“There was increased production of key vegetables by farmers to the extent that we were able to suspend imports for green pepper, butternuts and chillies in the last two months of the year. These are important milestones in the quest to achieve food security,” read the report.

Meanwhile, it can be noted that during the period under review, the Ministry constructed eight scoop dams at Mhlangatane and one in Mafutseni.

Two earth dams have been rehabilitated at Malindza and Kalanga. Two Earth dams are under construction, one at Mantjonga and the other at Lubulini.

The tendering process is underway for over six dams to be constructed by ESWADE at Matsanjeni, Somntongo, Shiselweni II, Mkhiweni and Mpholonjeni constituencies (Tinkhundla).

Construction is already underway in the 16 irrigation schemes under the Water Harvesting Small and Medium Dams Project. In-field development is in progress at LUSIP II and some schemes have already planted their cane, according to the report findings by the Ministry.

When seeking budget approval, Mabuza asked the house to adopt the Ministry’s Performance Report for the Financial Year 2022/2023.

Furthermore, the Honourable Committee is also requested to consider the proposed budget for the Ministry and recommend its approval by the Honourable House of Parliament.

“The requested budget for the Financial Year 2023/2024, is a total of E1 ‪630 825 578 00‬ of which a sum of E ‪340 194 57800‬ is for recurrent activities while E ‪1 290 631 00000‬ is for capital projects as indicated in the estimates,” he said.