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MBABANE– The Government of Eswatini has helped train and graduate 19 Human Centered Design (HCD).

The event took place today at Happy Valley Hotel and was attended by the Deputy Director of Public Health (DDPH).

Senior Project Officer Lindiwe Mkhatshwa said there were two general types of facilitators at HCD: those who have facilitated high-level learning experiences throughout their careers, and those who are industry and corporate leaders who bring their career experience with them into their delivery practice.

“Career facilitators and trainers at HCD have developed their craft through a number of channels including corporate learning and personal development industries. The result is a group of highly skilled practitioners who can handle diverse and/or challenging facilitation in the realm of adult experiential education.

“It is often this group of associates that delivers leadership interventions, executive retreats and programs that demand the facilitation of personal awareness and behavioral breakthroughs,” she said.

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Mkhatshwa said theirs was to train their Health care workers and they were able to do this through the help of the government.

“HCD is a way of thinking that places the people you are trying to serve and other important stakeholders at the center of the design, innovation, and implementation process. Our approach to HCD is iterative, measurable, and results-driven. “We focus on understanding dynamics between stakeholders across the ecosystem. We work with stakeholders whether end users or service providers to create solutions and strategies that overcome challenges and develop opportunities to create value and impact,” she said.