Energy conventions discussed in Eswatini


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EZULWINI – The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has today met with stakeholders to discuss adapting international conventions on ICT. The meeting was held today the Royal Villas at Ezulwini.

The three conventions discussed today were the Tampere Convention, the Malabo Convention, as well as the Budapest convention.

Speaking during the meeting, Ministry of ICT Prinicipal Secretary Phesheya Dube (who was represented by Director of EBIS Sabelo Dlamini) said, “The Ministry of ICT has advanced the passing of three acts this year; which includes cybercrime, data protection, and electronics communication act. Even though these are strong and good laws, the nature of ICT crimes has no borders. Even though we can have strong laws in the country, we find that it’s important to work with other countries and the world in general because ICT crimes easily cross borders.”

Dlamini’s sentiments were echoed by ESCCOM CEO Mvilawephi Dlamini who said, “One of the conventions addresses a situation where we have emergencies in the country which require us to have telecommunications available so that first responders are able to communicate timeously. This reminds me of a recent natural disaster in Mozambique which also destroyed any means for them to communicate which led to the loss of many lives. Telecommunication service providers need to ensure that there are always backup methods of communication, such as satellite services.”