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… Finalising appeals emanating from 2016 salary review


MBABANE– The Ministry of Public Service is in the process of finalising appeals that emanated from the 2016 Salary Review Exercise.

143 Appeals were received from Ministries, Departments, and Public Sector Associations. Consultations with Public Sector Associations on the outcome of the Appeals Process are ongoing, according to the report tabled before the Portfolio Committee. 

“The Ministry is still in the process of engaging a consultant to conduct a Salary Review for the Civil Service.

There have been delays in the tendering process as there were initially no responses in the first tender from service providers. The Ministry had to re-advertise the tender and a positive response has now been received,” read the report in part.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Public Services Mabulala Maseko highlighted that in order to stay relevant with the world, they need to align their activities with the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) theme for the year 2022.

The theme speaks to ‘Building back better from COVID-19: Enhancing innovative partnerships to meet the Sustainable Development Goals’.

“To attain this, in collaboration with the UNDP, the Ministry held two senior government officials training workshops that were targeted at the Under Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and other Controlling Officers within Government, during September 2022,” he said in his report.

In addition to that, Maseko said the ministry is aware that strategic leadership and competent human resources are a requirement that will ensure a desired improvement in effectiveness, efficiency, and professionalism of the Public Service.

“In order to improve on Government’s service delivery to the public, the Ministry partnered with the International Youth Fellowship of the Republic of Korea, to hold two Mind Education Workshops for Senior Government Officials and Officers in the Human Resource Management Cadre,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Public Sector HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee (PSHACC) as tasked continued to strengthen and upscale employee wellness interventions by offering educational sessions to various Ministries and Departments.

The total number of participants reached during the period under review is 3 540 and were from the Ministries of Education and  Training; Tourism and  Environmental Affairs; Private and Cabinet; Labour and  Social Security; Commerce, Industry and Trade; Public Works and Transport; Public Service; Finance; Deputy Prime Minister’s Office; and His Majesty’s Correctional Services amongst others. Worth noting is, the Ministry of Public Service has intensified its rollout programmes of the Performance Management System (PMS) in all Ministries in line with the Government’s undertaking to put in place policies and synergized economic recovery strategies. As such the PMS was officially launched on October 31, 2022.