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By Thandiwe Matsenjwa

MBABANE – The Ministry of Home Affairs is set to conduct a mop-up exercise in the Manzini Region from the May 27 to July 16.

This exercise is a move aimed at reinforcing citizen documentation and legal identity tracking. The initiative is to make sure that there is proper documentation of vital life events for residents of the Manzini Region.

The purpose of the exercise is to address inconsistencies and delays in registering vital events to streamline administrative processes, concerning late birth, marriage, and death certificate registrations.

This was revealed in a statement released by the Ministry alerting all residents of the Manzini Region to prepare for the up-coming exercise.
The Ministry will also assist residents with permits, citizenship, and asylum seekers applications. This will help in providing support to individuals navigating complexities of legal documentation statuses.

The exercise will ensure that all residents within the region have a recognized legal status, by identifying stateless individuals.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has made the registration process simple and accessible to all. Local registration centres have been set up across the Chiefdoms, staffed with trained personnel who are ready to assist residents in completing the necessary documentation.

It has also taken measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of personal information, assuring residents that their data will be handled securely.

The exercise will take-off in the Nkomiyahlaba Inkhundla on the following dates:
Manzini Region:
Nkomiyahlaba Inkhundla:
Nsingweni May 27 and 28
Ngcayini May 29
Eni May 30
Nsenga June 3
Sankolweni June 4
Ntunja June 5
Sigombeni June 6, 10, 11
Sibuyeni June 12
Nkomiyahlaba June 13
Mkhiweni Inkhundla:
Kakhuphuka, June 17, 18
Mnjoli June 19
Dvokolwako June 20, 24
Mbelebeleni June 25
Kutsimleni June 26, 27
Mkhiweni Inkhundla June 1 2024.
Mafutseni Inkhundla;
Mafutseni July 2,3
KaBhudla July 4
Timbutini July 8
Ngculwini July 9, 10, 11
Luhlokohla July 15
Kuchwaleni July 16
Mafutseni Inkhundla on 17 July 2024.

The Ministry encouraged all residents from these places to unite as a community and partake in this initiative to create a more inclusive and prosperous society for everyone.