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LOBAMBA – Government should recruit more soldiers, as their importance was noted during the 2021 political upheavals.

This sentiments was shared by many Members of Parliament (MPs) today during the 2023/24 annual performance debate of the Ministry of Defence and National Security in the House of Assembly. MPs such as Tsembeni Magongo, Welcome Dlamini (Mbabane East), Sabelo Mtsetfwa (Mafutseni), Mduduzi Mantunta Dlamini (Nkomiyahlaba), Deputy Speaker Madala Mhlanga (Mhlangatane), Sicelo Jele (LaMgabhi), Nathie Mdockies Hlophe (Mtfongwaneni), Sicelo Dlamini (Mayiwane), among others, made it clear that the country needed more security.

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Prince Sicalo discussing with Mtsambama MP Sibongile Mamba, Mtfongwaneni MP Nathie Mdockies Hlophe, and Mayiwane MP Prince Sicelo Dlamini.

The security could be attained if more soldiers could be recruited. The MPs told Minister of Defence and National Security Pholile Shakantu and PS Prince Sicalo that they needed to do something to increase the number of soldiers in the country. The MPs told them that soldiers were able to salvage the country when it was clear to everyone that it was taken by some other forces during the 2021 political unrest.

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Minister for Defence and National Security Pholile Shakantu after her Ministry’s performance debate.

During the debate, the PS and the officials from the Ministry were assured that even if they needed a supplementary budget to recruit more soldiers, they should not be afraid to table it in Parliament and they would work with them to make sure it passed. The MPs also praised the Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force for making sure that their uniforms were produced within the country.

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MP Tsembeni Magongo chatting with Ngwempisi MP Bhekibandla Vilakati and Deputy Speaker Madala Mhlanga after the debate.

They also praised the military for improving in farming, as that helped the country in attaining food security. The MPs also pleaded with the UEDF to stop firing soldiers, as this contributed to the political upheavals that happened in the country. The MPs said the fired soldiers became bitter and started organisations aimed at causing anarchy in the country.

The MPs stated that as far as they knew, a soldier was not supposed to be fired because he knew a lot about the country’s secrets. These secrets would be exposed by the fired soldiers because they would become resentful. The MPs called for UEDF authorities to bring back the fired soldiers so that they could start working, after undergoing the necessary disciplinary procedures.