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MBABANE – In an effort to improve the country’s tourism industry, His Majesty King Mswati III yesterday blessed the construction of a motel at that place.

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Hlane Roadside Motel is currently being constructed by Construction Associates (CA) and MA Dlamini Engineering. According to a report from Eswatini TV, the motel is expected to accommodate 120 visitors. Near the motel, a filling station is expected to be constructed to help motorists with fuel, while visiting the motel or doing other errands at the place and surrounding areas.

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The King, during the event, was accompanied by former Botswana President His Excellency Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama. Others who accompanied the King include Emakhosikati to His Majesty, members of the Royal family, acting Prime Minister Manqoba Khumalo, Cabinet ministers and others.

His Majesty praised the CA and MA Dlamini Engineering staff members for their commitment in the construction of the hotel. Addressing the staff members, the King said what they did at that place would not go unnoticed. He said the facility they were building was going to play a huge role in improving the economy of the country. Therefore, they would be counted as people who contributed in improving the economy.

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Inyatsi Group Chairman Mitchello Shakantu informed the King during the event that the construction was going to be developed, as this was still the first phase. Hlane is a place known as one of the places where Buganu Ceremony is held, usually in March every year. This year, it was reported that the ceremony in Hlane Royal Residence attracted around 40 000 people from within the country and outside.

This means the motel has come at the right time, as it can be used to accommodate some of the tourists who would go there for the event. Hlane also has a national park, which keeps many wild animals. Hlane is also a few kilometres from the King Mswati III International Airport. Because of these features, it is safe to say that Hlane is one of the places that attract a number of tourists on a regular basis. It is for this reason why His Majesty the King has emphasised that Hlane had to be developed.