20240524 131701


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By Mbongeni Vilakati

MBABANE – Under the theme, ‘Empowering Communities Through Sports,’ the Motshane Member of Parliament (MP) and Indvuna is set to host the Motshane Sports Day on Saturday (May 25th, 2024).

The event will commerce at 6:30am at the Motshane Sports ground, with a diverse array of sports such as soccer, volleyball, 10km run, netball, aerobics, athletics, fun games and many more.

Motshane Sports Co-ordinating Committee chairman Jabu Mavuso said the event is more than just a day of fun but with a deeper purpose, such as exercising. Motshane MP is Wilton Nkambule and the Indvuna is Samkelo Dube.

“We are working together with the MP and indvuna to gather the entire community so that they will be engaged in physical activities. These activities will help them to exercise their bodies to reduce the risk of being easily exposed to sickness.” Mavuso said.

The chairman also mentioned that this event presents a chance to community and the MP to discuss the community’s socio-economic challenges.

“We are trying to gather the people in one area to have a brief discussion about the challenges they are facing. More especially the youth that may be tempted to crime. So, these activities will keep the people busy in an attempt to mitigate crime, juvenile delinquency and gender-based violence related issues.” he added.

For more information, you may contact the Motshane Sports Co-ordinating Committee Chairman Jabu Mavuso on 7602 1770.