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……Ndzingeni MP is in Morrocco for MEdays International Forum’s 14th Edition


MORROCCO – Ndzingeni Member of Parliament Lutfo Dlamini has arrived in the Moroccan City of Tangier for the MEdays International Forum’s 14th Edition.

The politician, who is the sole delegate from the Kingdom of Eswatini, has today made a presentation where he addressed the MEdays International Forum delegates. He will also address the Forum tomorrow (Thursday).

Dlamini’s visit to Morrocco is in respect of an invitation by the King of Morocco, King Mohamed VI, to attend and address the MEdays International Forum in his capacity as a Member of Parliament and former Minister of Foreign Affairs from Eswatini.

This publication has gathered that the Ndzingeni legislator is among 200 renowned speakers at this year’s Forum dubbed “the DAVOS of Africa” held November 2-5 under the theme, “From Crises to Crisis: Towards a New World Order?”

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He addressed the Forum today, November 2, 2022, before 2000 attendees.

“I am the only one from Eswatini here,” Dlamini told this author.

It has been stated that the 14th Edition brings together over 5000 participants and will create an opportunity to discuss the main geopolitical, economic, and social issues facing the planet, including conflicts and instability in Africa, tensions in the Indo-Pacific, food and energy crises, inflation, and climate change.

In fact, participants include African parliamentarians and world leaders, members of government, business leaders, investors, researchers, journalists, and entrepreneurs from across the globe.

According to MP Dlamini’s invitation letter, the MEDays Forum, organized by the Amadeus Institute, is currently the main annual international non-governmental conference organized in Morocco, bringing together international leaders, experts, and political actors in a permanent and informal framework for exchange, dialogue, and consultation, to offer evidence-based policy recommendations.

“In a global context characterized by the emergence of the South, the “MEDays Forum” has become, over its fourteen years of existence, the voice holder of African countries for a constructive contribution in international debates concerning South countries’ priorities. Organized annually under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the MEDays Forum, despite two years of absence, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, continues to be one of the major international geostrategic forums in Africa and the Arab World. The 2022 edition of the MEDays Forum, with more than 5,000 participants and 200 speakers from 100 countries, will be organized under the theme “From crises to crises: towards a new global order?” reflecting an international conjuncture characterized by multiple and multidimensional crises,” reads the invitation.


African Union Challenges Opening Roundtable:

“How to shape and simplify the Continental Integration Architecture?” to be held on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.

And Roundtable 1

“Terrorism, Political Instability and Security Threats in Africa: What Solution(s) to End this Vicious Circle? ” on Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 10:45 am.