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MBABANE – Members of Parliament (MPs) hail His Majesty King Mswati III for the Speech from the Throne he delivered last week Friday.

As a result, the legislators deemed it fit that they should elect MPs from among themselves to go the King and personally thank him for the Speech, which gave them direction on what they were supposed to work on for this year. They elected the MPs when they sat for the first time yeaterday in the House of Assembly.

The MPs elected five to go and thank the King on behalf of the House of Assembly for his speech. The five MPs elected include Hhohho Region MP Tanele Magagula, Mtfongwaneni MP Nathi ‘Mdockies’ Hlophe, Prince Mshengu, Zombodze Emuva MP Ntando Mkhonta, and Nkosungumenzi Dlamini. The MPs will meet the King together with Senators.

Prime Minister Russell Mmiso Dlamini is the one who moved the motion that MPs should find it necessary to go and thank the King for his speech, which he said was brilliant, as it touched on many different aspect of development, which could help the country achieve its goals, if it can be followed.

Motivating his motion, Dlamini urged his fellow legislators to ensure that they implemented everything that the King asked them to do and make sure that no one failed the King. The PM told the MPs that the King gave Emaswati hope that the economy had the potential to grow, but that could only happen if they could rally behind the King to ensure that the economy improved.

The PM also told the MPs that the King wanted corruption to be eradicated. Reacting to the PM’s motion, Mbabane East MP Welcome Dlamini hailed the PM for his swift response to the King’s call to fight corruption by setting up a task team to fight corruption on Monday.

Hhukwini MP Alec Lushaba urged his fellow MPs to focus on issues that would move the country forward, not to debate on petty issues that would not move the country forward. He said by focusing on petty issues, they could portray the Head of State as someone who was not truthful.