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MBABANE – The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade is reviewing the National Policy for Micro Small and Medium (MSME) in the country. This was announced earlier today by the Director of MSME Department in the Ministry, Mluleki Dlamini.

Dlamini pointed out that the MSME National Policy has been under implementation since 2018, and it is therefore up for it’s 5-year review. He said “When we look at the Implementation Plan of the policy, we can see that we have been able to achieve a lot of the goals. We have been able to increase access to finance by establishing a lot of schemes to give youth access to finance. We have also been able to provide more decent trading areas for MSME’s like the Manzini Trade Hub. All of these and more are initiatives we pursued according to the policy.”

The MSME Director also emphasised that stakeholders will be involved in the review process.

“We will take stock of our achievements and try to add to what is working. This is why we will be consulting with the different stakeholders affected by the policy in order to make sure that businesses reap the most benefit from the implementation of the policy”, added Dlamini.

The National MSME Policy is accessible via the government website.