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MBABANE – Terrence ‘Mthera’ Thwala has advised Emaswati this morning on EBIS to spend their December salaries and bonuses wisely during the festive holidays.

Thwala also known as ‘Mthera’ is trending for his content on Financial Literacy with Mthera.  He has advised Eswamati to not focus a lot on the festive season because January comes with a lot.

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“The festive hype makes everyone forget that they have school fees, rent, uniforms and many other important expenses that need to be covered within the December salary. Most of Emaswati think they have enough money because of the bonuses they are getting and they tend to spend carelessly,” he said.

Thwala said people should be wise enough to buy everything they will need in January and save money for January expenses and then they can spend the remaining money on Festive holidays.

“Wise people will use their ‘13th cheques’ to pay rent, and school fees and buy uniforms in advance before spoiling themselves. I also advise those who would not be in their houses for the Festive holidays to stock up their houses with groceries and other necessities they would need in January before leaving,” said Thwala.

He also added that this is to avoid taking loans the next year for expenses one could have just saved for. He also mentioned that being in debt is not a very good way to start a new year.

“Some had already gone to Money Lenders for Black Friday sales and they still have outstanding debts,” he said.