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By Sikhulile Dlamini

MBABANE – Over 200 children at Malindza Refugee Camp will benefit from the refurbishment of the educational center, a project undertaken by MTN and its partners.

This comes after MTN visited the refugee camp yesterday (Wednesday, June 11, 2024) as part of the 21 Days of Yellow Care campaign, which this year has been extended to 30 days to commemorate MTN Group Africa’s 30 years of existence. The theme for this year’s campaign focuses on addressing issues of education for rural and remote communities.

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Evidence Ntshalintshali, MTN Foundation coordinator emphasised that the activities included  renovating the mental health offices at the center as a way of making sure that they rehabilitate mental health space where they are saying everyone in the camp whether it’s a child or an adult being assisted in making sure that their mental health is being taken care of.

“Having understood the population comprises of school going children in the area we saw it fit to visit the center and partner with entities such as Macmillan to donate books for the school,” she said.

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Mbongeni Nkabinde, who works for World Vision under the refugee project funded by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) highlighted that the classrooms were previously unfit for use due to cracked floors and walls, and insufficiently sized windows that made the rooms very hot.

“This is going to bring a positive impact in the lives of the refugees as they will have a place to do their homework and a library which will be more updated. We are very much grateful to MTN and her partners for helping us of the renovation of such a structure,” Nkabinde said.