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MBABANE – MTN Bushfire has handed over its sponsorship to two long-term festival beneficiaries in 2023.

These cheques were presented to Young Heroes and boMake Rural Projects today.

According to a statement released by MTN Bushfire this sponsorship was made possible by the collective effort inspired by the “Bring Your Fire” call to action to make a positive difference in our communities.

“Grateful thanks go to the range of partners involved in making the MTN Bushfire festival such a memorable experience, and most especially the festivalgoers who purchase the tickets and merchandise used to sponsor the festival’s beneficiaries”, reads the statement.

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The statement stated that the proceeds of the sponsorships are to be used primarily in the Lobamba Lomdzala constituency in which House on Fire, the permanent iconic venue for the MTN Bushfire festival, is located.

MTN Bushfire Creative Director, Jiggs Thorne, believes in giving back and developing communities. “From the onset of MTN Bushfire, we have shared the belief that we all have to play a more conscious and active role in developing and supporting the communities and environments within which we live. MTN Bushfire’s call to action, Bring Your Fire, leverages the transformational power of the arts to inspire collective action on the social and environmental challenges of our time”, he said.

Young Heroes is one of the beneficiaries who received a cheque for E169 560. This organisation assists youth who were orphaned and made vulnerable as a result of HIV/AIDS, has been supported by the MTN Bushfire festival since 2007, and benefits from a portion of every ticket sold for the festival.

Director of Young Heroes, Khulekani Magongo appreciated the contributions made by MTN bushfire over the years. “Over the years, the MTN Bushfire sponsorship has ensured that orphans and vulnerable children have food, clothing, health care, and education support throughout the year. The festival has contributed immensely to the growth of Young Heroes through its marketing and social awareness platforms. This year’s sponsorship focuses on supporting the youth to enrol and train in vocational skills so that they can either be employed or start their own businesses to support their siblings and families. This sponsorship offers an opportunity for the OVC to leap out of the poverty cycle and become independent citizens who contribute to the country’s economy”, he said.

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BoMake Rural Projects received a cheque for E203 105.76. This is a community-led non-profit organisation working with women artisans to make a sustainable impact through equitable social and economic community development projects. BoMake manages and benefits from the sale of all festival merchandise by MTN Bushfire.

BoMake Rural Projects Director Sazi Hlophe said having MTN Bushfire as a partner over the years has been invaluable to assuring the continued existence of BoMake Rural Projects. “This sponsorship has enabled skills training such as sewing and brickmaking for some of the artisans and their youth dependents, which has given them alternative incomes. MTN Bushfire funding has also assisted community groups in addressing emergency needs resulting from natural disasters such as wind and hailstorms, civil unrest and even the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent example is the 2023 August windstorms which left LaMgabhi Artisan Group without a shelter for trading or schooling their toddlers, we will now be able to rebuild with the donation we are receiving.

On behalf of all the communities we serve, we wish to thank MTN Bushfire and extend an invitation to other private and corporate partners to join us in developing rural Eswatini”, she said.