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By Sikhulile Dlamini

MBABANE – MTN Bushfire Festival Director Jiggs Thorne says they are planning on having a monthly programme where Eswatini artist will work with the youth at the Malindza Refugee Camp.

Thorne was speaking during the MTN Yellow Care campaign at the refugee camp on (Wednesday, June 11, 2024) as one of the partners that assisted in the MTN 21 Days of Yellow Care campaign.

“This initiative will help inspire and encourage children to dream bigger and not being confined by the environment they grow up in,” Thorne said.

He further stated that one of the objectives of the MTN Bushfire project this year was to see how they can make the action bring your fire more tangible and one of the ways to achieve this was getting involved in volunteer programmes within Eswatini.

“As Bushfire we have come down to basically do a little bit of reckon to conduct a needs assessment and looking how we can get involved creatively, employing the language of the arts,” he elaborated.

Thorne highlighted that the needs in the area were much bigger and it was important to put spotlight on the broader needs and maybe other partners can be drawn to come in to assist.