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EZULWINI– ‘Empowering Entrepreneurship to unlock growth and job creation’

This is the theme for this year’s MTN 21 DAYS OF Y’ello Care, which was officially launched today by MTN Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Wandile Mtshali.

The annual event aims to secure high participation levels of MTN staff in high impact social projects to uplift and empower the local communities in which the company operates.

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The programme, kicking off on June 1,2023 until the June 21,2023 , aims  to inspire MTNers to heed the call to upskill local communities in order to drive economic activity and participation through focusing on digital skills training and digital job creation.

This is linked to MTN’s strategic priority to build digital skills for digital jobs aligned to the company’s Ambition 2025 Strategy.

“As MTNers it is imperative that we continue to contribute to our societies and ensure that the communities in which we operate see the value of the business in their lives,” said the CEO.

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He further said MTN is committed to adding economic value by contributing to society through its programmes focused on digital education, digital skills and digital skills training. The company believes that reducing the digital skills gap will help address issues of digital and social inequalities while at the same time ensuring the sustainability of the business.

“At MTN, we believe that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connect life and by resuming our Y’ello Care campaign, we strive to ensure that we continue to strengthen and uplift all of our community members in their pursual of economic development within each community,” he said.