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EZULWINI – MTN Eswatini has embarked on a diversity and inclusion journey which seeks to service the differently-abled community as part of its digital transformation for the country’s progress.

 This was revealed by the MTN CEO Wandile Mtshali at The MTN Sisonkhe Project was launched last month at School for the Deaf in Siteki.

Mtshali said, “We re-affirm our commitment to improve the customer experience of all our valued customers including our differently abled customers.”


The CEO went on to explain that MTN Eswatini has been intentional in driving diversity and inclusion by creating a conducive workplace for differently-abled employees. He announced that MTN Eswatini had hired Bongani Dlamini, a differently-abled HR professional. Bongani provided insight on how as a company, MTN Eswatini can ensure our differently-abled members of the community can successfully work and thrive in any work environment.

The MTN CEO went on to explain that the business had engaged with the deaf and speech impaired community to develop products and services to meet their communication needs. MTN Eswatini, through Lulwimi Lwetandla, trained frontline and contact centre staff on sign language from MTN outlets across the country. The newly trained sign language MTN Eswatini staff members received certificates upon course completion on the same day of the launch.

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The Deputy Prime Minister, Themba Masuku was represented by Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Moses Vilakati in the event. Vilakati congratulated MTN Eswatini for heeding to the Government of Eswatini’s call to prioritize disability issues in seeking to contribute to creating equal opportunities for people living with disabilities.

 Vilakati commended MTN Eswatini in its diversity and inclusion initiative which complemented the Government’s agenda in embracing people living with disability. “We would like to also applaud MTN Eswatini for employing persons with disability as part of their members to provide insight on how such professionals could possibly make MTN a conducive work environment that is sensitized for people living with disabilities’ ‘ he said. The minister said the Government of Eswatini fully endorsed the MTN Sisonkhe project and officially launched it.


MTN Sisonkhe has a dedicated Visual Contact Centre line to cater for the deaf and speech-impaired customers. Customers may contact MTN on a direct line 76061954. Mtn Eswatini’s differently-abled customer can access MTN Sisonkhe bundles on *525#.

 Customers can choose 1 for text bundles and choose 3 to check their balance. These offers have been whitelisted for differently-abled subscriber base.
