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MBABANE – Eswatini Investment Promotion Authority (EIPA) hosted Mula Sport and Corban Electrical who have both sponsored sports activities which will be taking place at the Eswatini International Trade Fair. 

The announcement took place at the Mavuso Trade Centre.

Corban Electrical has sponsored E30 000 towards traditional dance.

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Mula Sport has given a sponsorship totalling E170 000, with E50 000 being allocated to basketball, E50 000 towards netball, E50 000 to boxing and the remaining E20 000 towards traditional dance.

The additional E20 000 from Mula Sport increased the total sponsorship being contributed to traditional dance to E50 000.

Theo Hlophe, Chairperson of the EIPA Board was also present to acknowledge the sponsorships which were given to the associations of the different sporting codes.

Present to hand over the sponsorship for Corban Electrical was Tsabedze. Mula Sport was represented by Desiree Scott. Accepting the sponsorships were the Netball, Basketball, Boxing and Traditional Dance Associations respectively.

MulaSport’s Head of Marketing and Communications Department Desiree Scott said he was proud of the partnership.

“We are really happy to be working together with EIPA to support those sports which sometimes feel marginalised. We see this as an opportunity for emaSwati to learn more about these sports, and we hope they will one day be able to compete internationally,” Scott said.

Corban Electrical, a renowned electrical supplier, dished out E30 000 for Lujikeleto Lwemabhaca. These are cultural events that will spice up the Trade Fair.

“I appreciate the sponsorship we received as I understand the role of sports in individuals and society. We believe that the beneficiaries will use it to fulfil the purpose of the sponsors,” Hlophe said briefly.

Meanwhile, the associations also thanked MulaSport and Corban Electrical for their generosity. They said the money would go a long way in reviving the sports, as they faced sponsorship challenges. Part of this money will go towards cash prizes for the tournament that will be played during the period of the exhibition.

More details will be revealed in due course. The EIPA Trade Fair and Exhibition is usually staged from late August to early September.