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MBABANE – Kusekhaya Cycling Club and MulaSport have teamed up to take cycling in Eswatini to the next level. The two organizations recently announced a partnership that promises to benefit the entire cycling community in the country.

 As part of the partnership, MulaSport has extended a generous financial sponsorship to the Kusekhaya Lowveld Invitational Race, which will take place on October 29 in Mhlume.

The sponsorship of E50,000 will not only cover the race expenses but also support the Kusekhaya Cycling Club throughout the upcoming season. The club expressed their heartfelt gratitude and enthusiasm for the backing, believing that this partnership will bolster their club’s efforts to promote and advance the sport in Eswatini.

Mduduzi Kaudi, the team principal, stated that the funds provided by MulaSport will be allocated towards cash prizes for the winners of the Kusekhaya Lowveld Invitational Race. The cash prize is a substantial sum of E30,000, which in addition to coveted medals and trophies, will be shared by the winners across all categories. Kaudi emphasized that this contribution not only benefits the Kusekhaya Cycling Club but also the entire cycling community.

The partnership is expected to advance the growth and development of cycling in Eswatini, and Kaudi anticipates a fruitful alliance with MulaSport. The Marketing and Communications Officer at MulaSport, Phetsile Xulu, expressed the organization’s excitement to be part of the Kusekhaya Cycling for the first time this year. Xulu explained that as an organization, MulaSport is always eager to support and participate in any sporting activities in the country that promote community participation as well as team building.

The partnership between MulaSport and Kusekhaya Cycling Club is a significant step forward for the sport in Eswatini and will catalyze the growth and advancement of cycling in the country.

The Kusekhaya Lowveld Invitational Race promises to be a thrilling and competitive event, and winners can look forward to a substantial cash prize as a reward for their efforts. Cycling enthusiasts can expect to see more exciting developments in the sport as the partnership between Kusekhaya Cycling Club and MulaSport continues to flourish.