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MBABANE- With the elections underway currently, Municipalities and Town Board CEOs have been sensitised on new technology which will be used in this year’s national elections.

This was revealed by Community Liaison Officer at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Melusi Hlanze yesterday at the Municipality of Matsapha offices.

“It is the digital era and we need to move with the times as it is more effective and cuts down on mistakes being made”.

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These words were shared by Melusi Hlanze on the importance of updating the electoral process to make it convenient and limit human errors.

“Elections are free and fair which is why we have so many emaSwati voting. Last week we were sitting at over 100 000 voters from various centres across the country and from that we see the enthusiasm from the people.

“It is important that we update our election system by incorporating more technology into the process to make voter roll easier. This is what we are here to shed light on. We want to incorporate technology because elections are big and should be handled with fairness. Technology will help decipher what is no longer necessary in the electoral system. People who want to join the voting process should be able to do so legally,” said Hlanze.

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On January 13, 2023, this publication announce that voting for 2023 local Government Elections would begin on Monday 17 January, and will run until February 24, 2023. We also published on January 17, 2023, that 8 million would be spent on the local government elections.