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…to help process the availability of crops


MBABANE – The National Agricultural Marketing Board (NAMboard) will be launching The Eswatini Horticultural Information System (EHIS) on August 4, 2023 at Esibayeni Lodge.

This was revealed by NAMboard Communications Officer Melusi Dlamini who said the launch will have participants from the Ministry of Agriculture, and Senior Officers, Senior Officers from NDMA, Farmers and Market Extension Officers.

“The Eswatini Horticulture Information System (EHIS) is a project established by the National Agricultural Marketing Board (NAMBoard) with support from the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA). The system is a digital platform that provides key data on horticulture production processes and availability of crops to farmers, buyers, input suppliers, marketers, retailers, and researchers,” said Dlamini.

He further said, it is aimed at supporting farmers with critical market-related information for decision making purposes. It is expected to add value to Eswatini’s agricultural landscape, by bringing together under one umbrella all intelligence relating to the demand and supply of horticulture produce which will then be integrated onto the national system (Agricultural Integrated Information System-AIIS).

“Once launched, all farmers will be expected to register and upload information regarding plantings, forecast harvesting yields and dates. This will assist NAMBoard with gathering the key evidence needed to control the importation of those crops which are projected to be in over-supply locally. By registering, farmers will be able to notify buyers beforehand of the expected availability for each crop,” said Dlamini in addition.

Worth mentioning is that the system is supported by key stakeholders in the horticulture value chain who contribute to maintaining its statistical integrity.

Dlamini added that farmers needed to scrutinise in detail the information system before deciding to offer produce, to increase their chances of successfully selling what they have produced. He further said people were encouraged to access EHIS services with the intention to familiarise themselves and provide their communications office with constructive feedback – via the following platforms:  Web Portal – www.ehis.co.sz, Mobile Application EHIS App on Google and Apple Store or use the USSD *765# (Swazi MTN).