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MBABANE – In a move aimed at fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of broadcasting, a delegation from the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) embarked on a 3-day benchmarking exercise, culminating in a courtesy visit to Eswatini TV on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

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During their visit, the Namibian delegation, led by representatives from the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, engaged in discussions with their Eswatini counterparts. Eswatini TV’s Chief Engineer, Titus Mavimbela, expressed his enthusiasm for the exchange, emphasizing the importance of mutual learning and collaboration between the two nations’ broadcasting entities.

Mavimbela says, “We are happy to be with you today here. We have been expecting you for many reasons. We want to make that relationship with the NBC, sharing skills from our side. We want to see how we can help each other. Our main aim is to show NBC our organization, the set-up, and the workflow from different departments”.

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The cooperative efforts between Namibia’s national broadcaster and Eswatini Television Authority (ETA) were formalized through an agreement signed in 2019. This agreement facilitates the exchange of expertise and resources between the two organizations, encompassing various aspects of broadcasting.

The agreement between NBC and ETA includes provisions for the sharing of television content, access to feeds, and the exchange of news, reports, and films. Additionally, it creates a platform for collaboration on historical and national key events in both Namibia and Eswatini. Through this partnership, both nations aim to enhance their broadcasting capabilities, enriching the quality and diversity of content available to their audiences.

The visit concluded on a positive note, with both parties expressing optimism about future collaborations and the mutual benefits that will undoubtedly arise from this strengthened partnership in the realm of broadcasting.

Pictures sourced from NBC & Eswatini T.V