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EZULWINI – Move over Oprah Winfrey!

Motivational speaker, writer, public relations consultant, and public speaker Nathi Gule today launched a positivity series.

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The eight-part series, lasting 20 to 25 minutes, will feature different speakers covering different topics. It was shot at the Happy Valley Hotel. Today marked day one of the eight days of the positivity series.

When reached for comment, Gule said, “It is my pleasure to inform you of an exciting annual concept, “The Positivity Series,” in which we spread positivity and life hacks to the public at the start of each year. This series is aimed at equipping them to be ready for the next 12 months.”

Gule shared with this publication that this year the series returns in the form of a video talk show with expert guests on key life topics. “In 2021, during COVID-19, the series was born to try to give the nation free positive social media posts for 21 days. It transformed into a booklet, which was later distributed for free in the same year. This was a project powered by Barcode Creative Agency.,” shared Gule.

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He went on to add that in 2022, in conjunction with Tribe Studios, they brought the book to life with a seven-day video series with only Gule as the host. He added, “In 2023, we did podcasts in an exciting collaboration with Vukosi Mashele. These were on all audio podcast platforms.”

When asked about the eight topics that will be covered by the series, he said, “The eight topics from January 22 to 29 are as follows: Positivity in the workplace, Finance, Career (skills mapping), Start-up, opportunities in education, Vision board, Family, and Mental health.

When asked how they selected the different guests, Gule said, “We selected them based on content rather than the fact that they are well-known. We wanted people who are experts on each subject matter, so the focus is more on the content of the person. But yes, some of them are well-known, but they also have great content.”

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Gule shared with this publication that the guests who will be part of the series include Sharon Maziya, Jose Rego, Clement Dlamini, Bertha Sithole, Zizwe Vilane (UN), Siyabonga Mabuza (Psychologist), Lesi Nxumalo (award-winning young business lady), and Colisile Tfwala, a finance coach.

The setting of the series is the Happy Valley Hotel in Ezulwini. “The establishment came on board as a venue partner. In these series, everything is done for charity in terms of the series being distributed for free, so we are grateful that Happy Valley agreed for us to use their space for free.”

The series is only available on Gule’s social media pages for now, @nathigule. He revealed that they hope they can discuss with the TV stations perhaps getting a partnership to cast other episodes later on.

Gule concluded by thanking their partners, Africa Brand House for the branding, Cert Water Beverages for refreshments, and Happy Valley Hotel for the venue. He gave special thanks to the team at Tribe Studios for agreeing to quote us reasonably and work with us to produce this series.