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MBABANE- The Deputy Prime Minister today received a cheque from the Senate Climate Change Portfolio Committee worth E30 550.00.

The cheque was handed over to the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), which is meant to cater for the recent storm victims for building material needs. Senate President Lindiwe Dlamini presented the cheque to the DPM today.

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In the aftermath of the recent storms that affected some parts of the country, the DPM has been actively visiting the most vulnerable individuals and communities affected by the hailstorm.

The organisation has been conducting a comprehensive assessment to determine the impact of the hailstorm and to provide necessary support to affected communities, including the distribution of building materials.

It’s worth noting that the country experienced heavy rains and hailstorms a few weeks ago in and around surrounding areas in the Ngculwini area.

Preliminary results showed that over 4000 households were affected by the hailstorm and suffered loss and damage to their property, mainly windows and roofing. The NDMA has so far provided assistance to 1394 individuals from 276 households. The aid included 231 tarpaulins and 17 tents, which serve as a makeshift shelter for now.

According to the NDMA, so far, 178 people have received building materials from the 29 most affected households. The distribution, according to the organisation’s Facebook page, took place in Mafutseni, Mntfongwaneni, and Khubuta, which were the areas that were most affected by the hailstorm.