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MBABANE – The Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg has provided clarity on the engagement of Funduzi Forensic Services (Pty) Ltd to conduct a forensic investigation into the supply of medicines to health facilities.

In his statement Neal said Cabinet, on Tuesday,   met with the Auditor-General and representatives from Funduzi Forensic Services (Proprietary) Limited, hereafter referred to as “Funduzi,” in order to satisfy itself on the engagement processes of this entity to conduct a forensic investigation into the supply of medicines to public health facilities.

The Minister said, Cabinet also needed to satisfy itself that the recent media concerns do not have any impact on the possible outcomes of the forensic investigation and that the process is not tainted with illegality.

“Subsequent to such engagement and after receiving further confirmation from the Office of the Auditor-General, my office, as Minister of Finance, was mandated to issue a statement to clear the air in this regard,”

“I can confirm, based on information shared with Cabinet and my office, that: 1. The Office of the Auditor-General contracted a South African company operating as Funduzi Forensic Services (Registration number. 2017/3907/67/07) which tendered through its local extension registered company, also called Funduzi Forensic Services, (Registration number,202210101025631) following a procurement process which was approved by the Eswatini Government Tender Board,” said the Minister.

He went further to mention that as  procedural, the company filled its tender bidding documents, where the statutory documentation submitted showed that they are local. The Technical profile was appealing, with vast experience and technical expertise on the subject matter, which captured the interest of the OAG and rated them higher than their competitors for the bid.

“The engagement of Mr Charles Kwezera, who was an Independent Contractor to Funduzi, was summarily terminated after the allegations of his improper and unlawful conduct came to the fore. The remaining Funduzi team are seasoned professionals, consisting of, amongst others, an Advocate of the South African High Court, a Medical Doctor, a Senior Pharmacist, Senior Forensic Practitioners and Forensic Accountants,” clarified Neal.

In addition to that he said, his office has been assured that the test of the outcomes of the forensic report would be the extent to which its findings and conclusions can be supported by independently verifiable evidence and not any other consideration, as it has been indirectly suggested in the media. “I’m Looking forward to receiving a full report in this regard, which I am assured, is imminent,” he said.