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… Mlungisi Simelane elected chair. 


MBABANE – “All construction projects should pass through them.” 

These were the words of Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs when revealing the newly appointed Eswatini Environmental Authority (EEA) Board. 

The Minister announced that the new board will be chaired by Mlungisi Simelane

He further revealed other members to be Khangeziwe Mabuza who is the Principal Secretary of and is representing the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs; Nompumelelo Msibi who is representing the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. Sipho Shiba who is representing the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture. 

Other members are Thembinkosi Ndzimandze, who is representing the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Dr Sizwe Mabaso who is a member, Dr Gcebekilie Dlamini who is a member, as well as the Executive Director Gcina Dlamini. 

When encouraging the multifaceted board to their new responsibility, the Minister of Tourism reminded them what their mandate was. 

“The Environment authority is the Ministry’s parastatal which does the work of environmental conservation across the country. All construction projects should pass through them, to make sure that they are being constructed from the beginning onward. It could be roads, houses, or any other kind of construction – they should all pass through them,” said the Minister.