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… The Ministry of Tinkhundla spends E3 million on the vehicles to decentralise services


MBABANE– Six Tinkhundla Service Centres will have its transport woes sorted following the procurement of two Quantums Kombis and three Multi-purpose vans by government.

The vehicles, which have seen government spent E3 million, were presented today by the Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development.

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Handing over the vehicles was the Minister of Tinkhundla Administration and Development, David ‘Cruiser’ Ngcamphalala.

He announced that the vehicles were procured for Lavumisa, Gege, Hluti, Mayiwane, Siphofaneni and Sithobelweni Tinkhundla Service Centres.

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According to a statement sent out by the Government of Eswatini, the vehicles have been financed by Government.

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Tinkhundla Service Centres serve as decentralised service delivery centres where critical services such as the registration of births, deaths and marriages, revenue services, courts, libraries and others are availed to the Nation.

The Minister said these centres were nothing but the ministry’s unrelenting efforts to take Government services to the doorstep of the people all over the country.

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“As we dispatch these vehicles to these centres, the ministry is responding to a call to operationalise these centres and we are proud to announce that Siphofaneni is already up and running.

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“As we hand over these Government assets to the various centres, I would like to implore the officers in charge to take good care of these vehicles. They have a massive responsibility of ensuring that the ministry’s desired goal of service delivery is met without compromise.” Among the vehicles are the two quantum kombis that will service the Gege and Lavumisa centres, while the three seven-seater vehicles will go to Siphofaneni/Sithobelweni centres.