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MBABANE – National Maize Corporation (NMC) has revealed that it will now purchase maize at a rate 27 percent higher than before.

This is a gesture that recognises the essential role played by farmers in sustaining the country’s economy and food security.

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This development was confirmed by NMC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mavela Vilane. The company has made a landmark decision that will directly impact the lives of farmers across the kingdom. With this announcement, farmers selling maize to NMC will now receive a minimum payment of E5 800, a significant jump from the previous E4 566 ceiling. This 27 percent increase, according to Vilane, is a step in the right direction towards recognising the vital contributions made by farmers to the well-being of the nation.

Vilane underscored the growing relationship between NMC and farmers, highlighting that the success of the company rests on the shoulders of the hardworking farmers. He further emphasised the company’s commitment to supporting farmers by streamlining the payment process and reducing the delay from weeks to a mere seven days.  Vilane encouraged citizens of Eswatini to embrace farming as a lucrative venture, citing the significant returns in maize and bean production.

Farmers looking to sell their maize harvests have been advised by NMC to visit the nearest NMC branch located in Ntfonjeni, Madulini, Ngwemphisi, KaLanga, or the company’s headquarters in Matsapha.