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MBABANE – World Vision Eswatini, in commemoration of the World Children’s Day decided to give children the platform to voice out their opinions concerning their rights.


The theme for this year is ‘For Every Child, Every Right’. The World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 with the mission of improving children’s welfare worldwide. According to a newsletter by UNICEF, the 20th of November is also the date in 1989 when United Nation General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Convention secures protection for children and respect for their rights, as well as the call for government and parents to take action in ensuring that children’s rights are protected, respected and fulfilled.

A young person from Mkhiweni community, Slindzile Ngwenya said they are grateful for this opportunity that will also educate the elders who often get the impression that the youth aim to disrespect them and live recklessly whenever they use the word ‘rights’.


“We have misused the word ‘rights’ hence they are misinterpreted by our elders. Children’s rights were established to help us to be better citizens. We have a right to shelter, clothing, medical attention, education and adequate diet,” she said.

Ngwenya added that the adequate diet plays an important role in a life of a child because it reduces the chances of getting illnesses, helps them to grow and also focus in school. She also revealed that most young women are exposed to sexual violence because of hunger and poverty.