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MBABANE– The fifth session of the 11th parliament official opening last Friday saw over 10 pupils from different schools in the country attend the opening.

The pupils who are in high school were invited by the Ministry of Education and Training to attend the big event. This was meant to equip them with first-hand experience and knowledge of the Parliament opening.

 Schools invited included Somnjalose High School, Ka Boyce High School and St Marks High school, among others.

When interviewed on this, Ministry of Education and Training Principal Secretary Bhekithemba Gama said the pupils were not there for fun but to observe and further go back to their schools to teach and impact their observations to their colleagues.

“Anything that has to do with the His Majesty King Mswati III, especially the Speech from the Throne, informally forms part of the curriculum and pupils are expected to know a thing or two about it.

“It is for that reason that we selected pupils to attend the opening so they impact their knowledge to others,” he said

Meanwhile, Landokuhle Kubheka, from Somnjalose High School,  who formed part of the pupils selected by the Ministry, said he felt honoured to be among diplomats and royalty. He further mentioned that he could not wait to go back to his school and share what he saw and learned.

“It was such a beautiful experience being here, I really enjoyed myself. I learned a lot about the major economic drivers of the country as mentioned by the King,” he said.

Other pupils said this is a once in a lifetime experience, to be in close proximity to their Majesties.

Nozizwe Mhlongo from Entandweni High School at Sikhuphe in the Lubombo Region said one of the highlights of their day was to be in the same space with Their Majesties and also how they got to rub shoulders with ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs).

 Simisa from KaBoyce said in as much as she was excited, she took note of key points and was amused with the parliamentary protocols and work of Parliament. “The exposure to the unique environment has certainly made me more aware of the parliamentary duties,” she said.