MANZINI – Clockwork Giant Clothing factory in Matsapha took a whole day to celebrate life at a thanksgiving prayer and party held at Mavuso Trade Centre on Saturday. The celebration was so life-giving that staff at Clockwork Giant Clothing factory are still posting about their gratitude on social media.
“Thank you Giant, bekumnandzi shem”, said one commenter on a Facebook post today when responding to pictures from the event. Giant employees were visibly happy during the event, singing and dancing to the music from the praise team as well as the DJ on the day. There was also a surprise act from Soul Brothers lead singer’s wife Mrs. Masondo who had the Giant workers dancing up a storm.
The celebration, which was themed “Sibongimphilo 22”, is an annual tradition of the company, and was being celebrated for the first time since COVID-19 lockdowns.

“We are happy and grateful that we’re still here, even though we lost some of our colleagues. We thank the Lord for keeping us until now,” Nokuthula Dlamini, a Giant Clothing employee said when responding to questions from Eswatini Positive News. Her sentiments were echoed by other Giant workers.
“We’re very happy today with this celebration. In past years, we’ve enjoyed the celebration with braiis, and we’re happy with this year’s catering as we can rest and just enjoy ourselves. We’re having a lot of fun today, especially because there are way more people because our employer hired a lot this year” said Winile Mamba, another Giant Clothing factory staff member. She was referring to the over 450 employees Hired by Giant Clothing this year.

Giant Clothing Managing Director Rob Sparks emphasized that they are very grateful to have the staff they have. He revealed that while this was an almost bittersweet event as they remembered those who passed away during COVID-19. However, he highlighted that they really wouldn’t be growing the way they are even with COVID-19, if it wasn’t for the employees. For example, the staff has complied with COVID-19 vaccination requests to a 97% vaccination rate within the company’s over 2000 employees. “We are grateful for life, and we appreciate all of you because we wouldn’t have made it to where we are without you,” Sparks said when delivering his remarks during the event.
Sparks was followed in his remarks by head of human resources in the company, Elliot Magongo. He said, “Amongst us, there are some people who would have wished to be here and yet they are not. They are not here because they have been called to go. This is important, as pastors often talk about the fact that we will all have that fateful day of departing from the earth. As such, it is important to remind each other that everything that happens is God’s will. Nothing happens otherwise. As such, all things have a lesson when they happen. The Bible says all things work well and together for all those who are called for his purpose. Which means there is a purpose.” Dlamini said,

He added that, “COVID-19 came here with a purpose to teach us something. You witnessed yourselves remain resolutely standing during the pandemic. The second significance is that we’re able to continue with life even when the situation is difficult – this has been done by you!” Following his remarks, a commemoration plaque was revealed during the celebration. The plaque is engraved with the names of all the people who were lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. The plaque is currently installed at the Giant Clothing factory as an eternal reminder of those who passed on.
Giant Clothing factory has had According to the MD, Rob Sparks, the thanksgiving event is meant to be a celebration of the workers and their hard work in keeping the company going. “Yes, we give the company direction, but it’s them who make it work”, said Sparks. On a serendipitous turn of events, it so happened that the thanksgiving fell on Sparks’ birthday, and he seemed happy to celebrate it with everyone as he was seen greeting employees and taking pictures with them all over the Mavuso grounds.