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…….. Poverty a thing of the past


BUHLENI– Water is Life!

People from Mayiwane Inkhundla can attest closely to the above sentiment, after witnessing the official launch of their water project.

Over 3000 people were elated today, to finally have readily available access to water through a water project funded by the India Brazil South Africa (IBSA) Fund through the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) to a tune of E2 362 500.

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The project was further co-funded by WaterAid to a tune of E1 651 241 00 making the overall cost to be E4 013 741 00 WaterAid an implementing partner, constructed three solar powered rural water supply systems in Mayiwane Constituency Communities; Mangenge, Moyeni and Masheleleni.

The theme of the project was ‘Addressing Water, Health and Poverty’ through WASH initiatives for COVID-19 and Climate Change in Eswatini.

People from Mayiwane expressed joy and happiness with the project.

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Zandile Khumalo on behalf of the community said they were thrilled with the access to clean water.

“This community has not had water and clean water for years, we shared rivers and dams with cows and pigs. We are so happy we finally have water now.

Having close access to water has allowed us to start small businesses, manufacturing our own soaps and farming,” said Khumalo.

When addressing the community, acting Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Jabulani ‘Buy Cash’ Mabuza said the community should not misuse the water.

“We all know water is life, we need water to survive, stay clean and have a sustainable life,” said Mabuza.

Meanwhile UNDP Resident Representative Rose Ssebatindira said the project has helped in managing poverty in the area especially for women and girls.

She further said safety was now assured as community members do not have to walk a long distance to access water.