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MBABANE – It would seem the winter season will witness a series of activities in the country’s road infrastructure as the Ministry of Public Works and Transport has embarked on a programme to fix at least over 40 roads around the country. 

The rehabilitation of the roads come at a time when the nation had forwarded several complaints countrywide due to the bad state of both public and private roads caused by summer’s heavy rains.

Already, the rehabilitation exercise has started on several public roads and this has brought smiles to many motorists. However, there are still calls from many constituencies who want government to assist with many damaged routes.

Government has announced that the recent ramping of public roads rehabilitation is in line with the Minister of Public Works and Transport’s promise to Eswatini businesses following the Cabinet strategising retreat earlier this year.

It has been stated that some roads are being completely reconstructed, such as the Sigcineni to Sibovu Feeder road (Lot 1). 

Ongoing road works along the Mbabane Sandlane MR19 road
Ongoing road works along the Mbabane – Sandlane (MR19) road

The Ministry recently released a list of the roads which are under rehabilitation as of 21 March 2022. 

Here is a rundown of these projects all happening concurrently: 

1. Roads’ rehabilitation & crossings

 • Mbabane’ Bhunya road, MR19 construction:

 • Reconstruction of Lubhuku low level crossing

 • Improvement of drainage at Matsapha Traffic Circle along MR3 road

 • Reconstruction of Sidvokodvo culvert along D98 road

 • Reconstruction of Sigcineni to Sibovu feed er road (Lot 1)

 • Rehabilitation & extension of Mawelawela river crossing on D76 towards Lushikishini (Lot 2)

 • Rehabilitation of Manzawayo river crossing

 • Rehabilitation of Nsongweni river crossing

 • Rehabilitation of Mthombe river crossing

 • Rehabilitation of Mveveni river crossing 1 2  

• Rehabilitation of Mahube river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of kaMdluli river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of Emsengeni river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of Gwayini river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of Sobokazane river crossing 

• Reconstruction of Nkonjaneni Mlumati river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of Bhubha river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of eShowe river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of KaMtukulu river crossing 

• Rehabilitation of Mgungundlovu river crossing 

• Regraveling of Mbuluzi to Magadzeni road 

• Rehabilitation of Shiyanyala river crossing 

• Rehabilitation & reconstruction of Mahebedla river crossings (2) 

• Rehabilitation of Zondwako culvert crossing  

2. Pothole Patching:

 • Mhlaleni-Mahamba 

• Mafutseni-Mliba 

• Phondo-Bhunya 



• Motshane-Matsamo  

• Mbabane-Bhunya  

• Mbadlane-Simunye via Lonhlupheko    

3. Road failures’ rehabilitation: 

• ECOT cut failure along MR3 (also includes Ministry of Housing to Ministry of Agriculture road via Correctional HQ road; Road to PM’s Office; Treasury, Education, Finance Works driveway & parkings)  

• Makholokholo cut failure along MR3 (also includes overlay from Makholokholo interchange to Sidwashini interchange)  

• Mafutha fill failure along MR3  

• Lusekwaneni road/culvert failure along MR1  

• Malanti to Nkomanzi, road/culvert failure along MR1  

• Maguga road/culvert failure along MR32  

• Siteki CBD-Good Sherpard Hospital D12 road road failure  

Pothole patching along the Mhlaleni Mahamba road MR9
Pothole patching along the Mhlaleni-Mahamba road (MR9)

 4. Road Marking & Signage: 

• Mhlaleni-Mahamba 

• Ngwenya-Matsapha 

• Lavumisa-Big Bend  

• Motshane-Matsamo  

• Mbabane-Bhunya  

• Siteki-Good Shepherd  

• Ministry of Housing to Ministry of Agriculture (Mbabane)   

The current state of the Mafutseni Mliba MR5 road
The current state of the Mafutseni – Mliba (MR5) road

5. Road Reserve Maintenance  

• Matsamo-Msahweni 

• Msahweni-Madlangempisi 

• Mafutseni Madlangempisi

• Siteki-Mafutseni

6. Streetlighting Maintenance: 

• Ngwenya- Manzini 

• Siteki-Mhlumeni 

• Mbhadlane-Sikhuphe-Mpaka

7. Guardrails Maintenance: 

• Motshane-Matsamo 

• Mhlaleni-Mahamba