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MBABANE– A success.

The first day of the de-worming exercises has been marked as a huge success as over 50 schools took part in the exercise.

This was confirmed by Epidemiologist Bongani Tsabedze, who stated that only two pupils reported mild headaches and were treated on-site.

He was speaking during an interview before taking part in today’s de worming exercises at different schools around the country.

He mentioned that a total of 51 schools were reached on the first day of the national deworming campaign, which kicked off yesterday in the Manzini and Hhohho regions.

According to Tsabedze, the campaign started on a positive note as the teams were well-received by both teachers and learners. A total of 2 207 pupils and 53 teachers received the deworming medication.

He stated that the teams started late due to equipment preparations and transport logistics, adding that they hoped this would be sorted out, today.

Tsabedze stated that they were administering Al- bendazole for intestinal worms and Praziquantel for bilharzia for all the learners.

This exercise comes after a three year break following the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. Generally, children should deworm every six months and adults every 12 months.

The target is to reach at least 75 percent of school-age children. Children are a target as they are a high-risk group for bilharzia and intestinal worm infections.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), children are most vulnerable to worm infections, as their immune systems are not yet fully developed.

 Untreated worm infections prevent children’s healthy growth, cause poor nutrition and reduce their capacity to concentrate and learn.

Also, deworming can help increase little one’s nutritional uptake and manage infections like anaemia or even loose bowels. Moreover, it also helps reduce worm infection that occurs in the community. Deworming also lowers the chances of hospital admission of children owing to abdominal pain.