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MBABANE – In the year 2023, Eswatini has received 502 541 tourists and that signified a growth of 138.5 percent from 2022.

According to the 2023 Company Survey Report, in the 2023 company survey, eight entities were surveyed, including the regulating authority. The tourism sector signalled a strong rebound in 2022, following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and opening-up of the economy.

The report states that tourist arrivals increased by 138.5 percent to 502 541 in the review period, indicating strong recovery by the sector. Notably, the growth in international arrivals was driven by short-haul travellers.

On the other hand, international arrivals by long-haul travellers recorded marginal growth, discouraged by the high inflationary environment. The regulator also reported an improvement in day visitors for the year 2022, which grew by a significant 187.0 percent to 107 945 visitors in the year under review, from 37 525 visitors the previous year.

The stated favourable performance was mostly driven by conference bookings, as the government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) continued to select distant workshops with lodging. Additionally, all of the establishments reported increases in the total number of bed nights sold during the year.

Two of the surveyed enterprises reported a minor increase in international visitors in the form of tour buses, indicating a return to normalcy for the sector post-COVID. The sector’s performance was also supported by an increase in domestic tourism, which was driven by outdoor promotional events that increased food and beverage sales for the evaluated establishments.

In terms of financial performance, all the establishments reported record high revenues on account of base effects from the COVID-19 period, ranging between 30 and 70 percent. Though profitability drastically improved, it was toned down by the relatively high expenditures as well as marginal price increases, in light of the inflationary environment.

Over the medium term, the subsector is expected to grow primarily due to an anticipated growth in both domestic and international tourism. Tourism industry players intend to invest in their facilities to increase capacity on conferencing, as well as improve their venues for entertainment services.

Partnerships with business entities and marketing tactics present additional chances to support the projected expansions. Furthermore, with the operation of the new airline and the increase in bus trips, are amongst other reasons that will support the tourism industry in the shor.t-to-medium term.