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By Sebenele Ndlovu

MBABANE – The Government of Taiwan has trained about eighty-nine doctors that have already started providing medical care to Emaswati.

Doctor Sphelele Mavuso, who is one of the doctors trained in Taiwan, said people were not able to get proper medical care in the health care facilities and their aim was to provide Emaswati with the greatest help as possible. Mavuso said this during a free health care program hosted by Taiwan Medical Mission at Zombodze Emuva Inkhundla on Saturday (May 19, 2024).

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It is said that there are challenges that Emaswati face when it comes to their medical care, especially when it comes to a specialist. The people complained they do not get their medication in the health facilities, and they will have to consume it while they cannot afford it.

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Mavuso said that she was happy to provide help to Emaswati and a large number people received their help. “I feel happy that we come to give people help and many left happy with the help they received,” Mavuso said. 

Zombodze Emuva Member of Parliament (MP) Ntandoyenkhosi Mkhonta said that they were grateful about the medical care the community has received from Taiwan Medical Mission. He said that it was devastating that people would have to travel long distances to get to health facilities and they would return home without receiving help.  

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Zombodze Emuva Inkhudla residents expressed their word of thanks to the Taiwan Medical Mission for the medical care, food, and clothes donated.