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MBABANE– Taiwan Medical Mission took free medical services to the Buseleni community over the weekend.

The day-long initiative was of help to over 800 people who reside in Nkwene and surrounding areas.

Minister Ching-Lin Tsuei led the team to the rural area in central Eswatini, and over 800 residents received medical assistance from doctors and nurses from Taiwan.

Medical treatment received on the day included ultrasound checkups, the dispensation of medication, breast and prostate cancer scanning, and many others.

Public health education was also provided, to enhance awareness of daily health care in the community.

The residents in the area said they were grateful for the free medical help and cited that they travel long distances to access the most basic health service.

Noah Nhlengethwa said she was more than grateful for the day she had brought along her three grandchildren and her husband.

“Siyabonga kakhulu. This means a lot to us, we have one clinic in the area and it is hard to travel to the hospital unless you are sick. The outreach today will help many of us and we get to receive medication,” said an elated Hlengethwa.

Another elated resident said he was happy about the Taiwan visit and the Government of Eswatini.

Simon Mkhweli said he had several body problems and he finally received medical attention.

“All this would not have been possible had our government not made good friends with Taiwan. We are grateful for this opportunity to get medical help at no cost,” said Mkhweli.

The local Member of Parliament Vulimpopi Nhleko said residents of the area were very grateful for Taiwan’s friendship and kind assistance.

The residents on the day not only received medical help but also received food parcels consisting of maize meal and rice from Taiwan.

Minister Ching-Lin Tsuei said they were happy with the impact of their outreach and looked forward to doing more. “Eswatini and Taiwan share a good bond, we enjoy giving back to the country and seeing its people. We know health is wealth,” he said.