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By Mbongeni Vilakati

MBABANE – With over 90 cyclists from diverse backgrounds and locations already signed up to partake in the adrenaline-fuelled adventure, the Alphsz Border2Border Cycle Tour is gearing up for an exciting edition on June 15, 2024.

The competitive spirit of the cycle tour has been amped up with a notch with the registration of cycling teams from neighbouring country, South Africa. Currently, over 90 cyclists have registered with organising committee to partake in this year’s edition.

Joining the roster of local cyclists in this year’s instalment of the event are Proud Beginners hailing from Gauteng, Pusha Cycling Club and Team Bomba both from Mpumalanga, South Africa.

With the rapidly approaching registration deadline of (Wednesday) June 12, 2024, cyclists are urged to hope on their bikes and signed up for The Border2Border Cycle Tour. The cycle tour has kept its registration fee at E200 per person for the third consecutive year, encouraging participation from as many cycling enthusiasts as possible.

The Border2Border Cycle Tour is a cycling event where cyclists ride from Ngwenya Border Post to Lavumisa, covering 240km. The tour will have four categories with the main event being the 240km which will start at 5am at Ngwenya/ Oshoek to Lavumisa. The others are 180km to start from Manzini City Centre, 130km starting at Sikhuphe and the 100km that will start at Lukhula, Siteki with the finish line for all at Lavumisa Border Post.

The event was sponsored to the tune of E62 000 by Alphsz Eswatini.