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MBABANE– The Ministry of Education and Training Principal Secretary (PS) Bhekithemba Gama has come out to say parents should expect good results tomorrow.

This comes after a long wait, for Form V results which will be released tomorrow. This was confirmed by the Examinations Council of Eswatini (ECESWA).

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Gama said even though he was not privy to the examination marks but he was certain the class of 2022 performed well because pupils in the country were capable.

He further said they have shown resilience during the trying times of COVID-19 and unrest which had forced schools to shut down.

“I cannot say much as of now until the results are out but we all know our children are smart and brilliant so parents must be ready to be blown away,” he said briefly.

Worth noting is that ECESWA Communications Officer Hlengiwe Ndlovu said the Eswatini General Certificate of Secondary Education (EGCSE), Eswatini Prevocational Certificate of Secondary Education (EPCSE) and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) results would be released by the Minister of Education and Training, Lady Mabuza.

Ndlovu said the results were approved by the ECESWA Council yesterday afternoon. The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) was conducted around October 2022. Of note, the Ministry of Education and Training had to postpone indefinitely some of the EGCSE papers, following alleged threats of a mass protest action by transport workers in November.  

Meanwhile, a number of parents received the news positively and said the wait had been long but now they were relived the results were coming out.

“It is about time we receive the results and as parents, we know how hard our children worked for this. We just hope everyone did well and they get to qualify for tertiary,” said Margret Simelane a parent. Another parent said they were happy the wait is finally coming to an end. “I’m just happy that we are getting the results today, this means our children can get on to the next phase of their life which is tertiary,” said another parent.