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MBABANE – The Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (DPMO) has issued a call for people with disabilities in Eswatini to apply for the social grant. 

The disability grant is a form of social protection for Eswatini citizens who are living with disabilities. The purpose of the grant is to provide assistance to individuals who may be struggling as a result of their disability, including facing greater challenges in finding employment and higher risk of poverty. The grant is designed to help alleviate some of the challenges associated with living with a disability, and to provide support for those who may be struggling to meet their basic needs.

To apply for the Disability Social grant, applicants can collect the form from either the nearest Social Welfare office or Inkhundla. If an applicant is unable to do so, the form can be collected by a proxy on their behalf. The applicant, or the proxy, must complete the form and bring it to the Social Welfare Office, where it must be signed by the applicant’s umguguteli, bucopho, and indvuna. The form should also be accompanied by the applicant’s ID, as well as documentation from a doctor confirming the applicant’s disability.

To qualify for the Disability grant, applicants must provide proof of their disability from a medical professional. This is a critical requirement, as not all disabilities are physical in nature. The Social Welfare Office conducts an assessment to determine if an applicant is a rightful beneficiary of the grant, taking into consideration factors such as need and urgency. Once an applicant has been approved, they are placed on a waiting list. Priority is given to those who display the most need and whose situation is the most urgent. After being approved, they can begin receiving the grant.