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MBABANE– Philani Maswati Charity Organisations (PMCO) has shown respect to the upcoming elections by moving their annual biggest Braai dates.

The event that usually takes place on July 22 every year, will this year take place on July 8, 2023.

This was announced by PMCO Chairman and Ndzingeni MP Lutfo Dlamini. He said they were paying respect to His Majesty King Mswati III’s call for elections and therefore hosting the event earlier.

“When the King has spoken we shall heed the call. We host the biggest Braai to celebrate His Majesty Sobhuza II. But this time we have decided to shift the dates because 22 July, will be elections,” said Dlamini.

He further called for people to go out in numbers to vote and pleaded with Emaswati to buy tickets and attend the biggest Braai event.

PMCO normally hosts the annual event as the profits generated from the event are channelled towards helping the elderly and destitute children.

When further commenting on this Dlamini said there were advanced talks to bring back the festival bigger and better this year and that things would be different compared to previous years.

 “This year’s Biggest Braai will be done very differently as it will involve a lot of stakeholders. However, we are still in talks with possible venues and also closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

He went on to urge emaSwati that were interested in attending the event to consider vaccinating, as this would ensure fewer fatalities which were experienced in the past. In the past, the public would be engaged in choosing the line-up for the performances through social media.

“We are getting excited because there are new sponsors that will actually come with different angles and make the event a corporate affair, but most importantly a fun hub. This will however be possible if all the approvals are made in the ongoing talks, but the public will duly be notified of developments,” he said.

 The last event was held last year where over 10  000 emaSwati attended the braai. South African Kwaito legends Alaska headlined the show alongside Mlindo the Vocalist at the Mavuso Trade and Exhibition Centre.

Local artists that performed included ‘Umnyango’ hitmaker Popzin, Mduduzi Nezinceku Zamagawugawu, Shongwe and Khuphuka, Linda Dlamini as well as Phathwakahle of ‘Kukhon’okuzokwenzeka’ fame.  All in all, 28 artists performed at the event, allowing locals to showcase their talents.