20240610 175833


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By Ntokozo Magongo

MBABANE – The Premier League of Eswatini (PLE) teams have until July 10 to submit their proposals before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on August 10.

According to the ordinary general assembly 2024 Notice, the clubs must submit their proposals to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the PLE Kenneth Makhanya before the said date.

“Notice is hereby given to all Members of the PLE, in terms of Article 28(2) of the PLE Statutes, that the Ordinary General Assembly 2024 will be held on Saturday, 10 August 2024, at a venue and time to be communicated in due course, in conformity with the PLE Statutes,” reads the notice.

The submission of the proposals is in conformity with the PLE Statutes in Articles 30(1) and 30(2).

“Delegates’ numbers shall be as enshrined in Article 23(1) of the PLE Statutes i.e. a maximum of two (2) delegates per member club,” concludes the notice.

The PLE stage its AGM every season before kick-off where reports are presented to the members and the discussion of the proposals is done.
Meanwhile, the PLE announced on Saturday that there would be no additional teams as the elite league will continue with the 14 teams.