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MBABANE – Government believes that Prime Minister Russell Mmiso Dlamini has nothing to hide, as he has been cleared of anything that has to do with corruption.

This was said by Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo, through a statement he issued today afternoon. Nxumalo said there were allegations leveled against Dlamini on social media. “These accusations, unfortunately, are not being backed by any evidence and are clearly a smear campaign meant to tarnish the image and integrity of His Excellency and the office that he occupies,” Nxumalo said.

He pointed out that Government would like to assure the nation that the Premier remained committed to driving Government’s position to eradicate corruption in this country, without fear or favour, as per His Majesty the King’s call.

Nxumalo said this position was further reiterated by His Excellency himself when he set up the Anti-Corruption Task Team on February 12, this year, where he declared that “no one is immune” from being investigated and prosecuted.

Any corruption accusations levelled against His Excellency the Prime Minister were, therefore, nothing but an orchestrated move and evil ploy meant to divert the public’s attention from the real masterminds of corruption.

“The Nation will find comfort in knowing that His Excellency was vetted and found in good standing before he assumed office. During his time at the helm of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), the organisation received six clean audits from a reputable international audit firm. These audits also cover the utilisation of COVID-19 funds,” Nxumalo clarified.

“Government invites anyone who believes His Excellency has anything to hide and feels the need to verify these accusations to do so through established structures. This includes all legal entities tasked with investigating and prosecuting corruption cases,”

He then mentioned that Government would not be subjected into a permanent state of defending and explaining political machinations and character assassination maneuvers directed to those who held public office, including His Excellency the Prime Minister and other officials.